Woof woof. I'm a dog. Hi.
I'm 7 now, totally white and smooth to touch. Argh, stop squeezing me like that!
Earlier late afternoon some weird guy entered my house with a big bag(I think it's a bag). He smells OK, I guess...
Otousan brought me out for a "sanpou". I met my doggy friends, so did otousan. Ah, if Litoru-chan would even take notice of me! Otousan just walked around, not very far. He was tired, I guess. Woof.
Had a nice nap. Jealous of the hamburger meal(Jap style). Heard people nearby talking about it. This man even had his saliva dripping on me! Arf. Also a lot of stuff, like high school math(the students said it was hard) and such. I want my phone! Give me back! Or Otousan could go to Akihabara to buy one for me(and himself too).
Ruff. They are back. Just wagged my tail. Got petted. Saw tomomari. Yay :)Anyway, I played with a basketball. Just rammed around things and such. Got tired and slept. Waiting for another day of a domestic dog.
The best form of learning is imitation (or whatsoever. I forgot it)-Anonymous